Last Sunday evening, Our church had a barbecue.
Some others played games and the rest of us just sat around the fire and visited.
Students are back, and we are once again back into the swing of the fall schedule.
Hockey is again once in Season. That means's some of our church people will travel to make it to the games. Last year i showed my support to a few games. Speaking for myself they can get expensive. Johnathon Cheechoo has been traded for Ottawa Senators and am hoping maybe to aleast get to one of his games this season. Well See!!
One of these days we will be having our annual church core group meetings.
But for now i am packing. An apt came up for rent a few weeks ago, much closer to the church. YAY!
Although their was great confusion. Don the new Landlord in the beginning told me that the apt was available for Oct 31st. And decided I'd take it, which worked out very, very well for me.
He requested a reference letter from my landlady April.
Which meant i needed to ask April to write up a letter. Her first response was...No of course Not! She was only "joking"and was extremely generous with her words.
Took the letter to Don and thought I'd better confirm the dates with him again.
He then Say's....i told you the apartment was available for Oct 1. I couldn't believe my ears, My first thought was..mj, you do have a hearing problem. I then told Don i was sure he said it was available for Oct 31.Anyway so i thought i better tell April, So we can get this apt rent quicker. To make the long story short this apt is rented and i will have to move out the end of Sept.
Now get this...Don Tell's me a few days later that i was right, and that the apt is available for Oct 31st. I was Not so impressed! Now, I guess I'll put my stuff in the storage and move in with Dedee for a month.
One day when i was on the city bus, When Don gave me the news about the confusion and said i was right about the dates.. Well I cried "River's" Good thing an hour later i realized i had shades. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel really bad that i will have to move my stuff twice and know a few other's are not so impressed about this situation. Oh well. this was not my mistake and am so glad my ears are not that bad. YET!
Yeah, i have a new place for Oct 31, And am very Excited. But will be homeless for a month..not quite.
So far i have packed 18 boxes and hope to have most of it done by sat. Washed a few walls in the kitchen. One of my least favorite jobs is cleaning the oven.
I should get busy here. Having Company tonight for supper. It's girls night! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!