Coffee And....

Coffee And....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tracey won't know. Your safe, You can pick me. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

                                                                             Here's my bedroom! Not much, But i do have a place to lay my head and it is nice and warm. I have a small dresser toward the side of my desk. 
The other picture is mostly so you can see the banner i made for the church. I had help cutting out the letters. 
We had also made valences for the church windows. We used hide skin  and in a "V" placed red,yellow, black and, white beads on the bottom of each strand. With eagle and goose feather's on each side. You can see the sample there on the pulpit.
Sunday night we had a sing-long-night. Clara and Allan Cooper shared a cree song with us.
Behind them is Thomas Moore a College student. We were delighted to hear a number from him. He sang "Pass me Not" and it blessed all who were there.
This weekend some of us from church are going to Toronto. For a "Heavens Rehearsal" Sounds Thrilling and from what i hear its all about Worship. 
It will be fun to connect with each other this weekend. 
We are supposed to get flurries this week. It's been getting colder and alittle more colder. Someone mentioned nine more weeks until christmas. I'm not even gonna check it out,
I won't be going to Red Lake this year. For christmas i'll just bother friends here. thoughtful of me , Eh!
 I just got a call, asking if i can go into the Pregnancy Care this afternoon. Our Director isn't feeling well. Last Night on the news they were showing it's time for flu shots. Last year  i had strep throat. Maybe one a cold also.
That time of year.
I suppose thats it for now. MJ

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I had to post these pictures. 
Friends shot a cub, and my inteligent Friend Dedee skinned  and tanned this bear.  It is so BEAUTIFUL and Soft. I can understand why she would pat herself on the back. 
I ate bear meat for the first time tonite. Felt weird thinking i was gonna eat a bear, the taste was not much different then other beef. Good meatballs DD. I can say I've eaten bear!

Just thought i'd post some pictures of my little home. I really like it! One time i had 10 people as a sit down dinner. I enjoy the space in my living room, Good for bible studies. I have a one bedroom which i tried to post with these but it didn't let me. I like my entrance with a good size closet. I do have a bathroom just so you know. Thats all for now. MJ

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This Morning we had a few snowflakes on the ground. It felt chilly yesterday evening,  I  said to Bev, i wonder if well have snow. 
This afternoon i went over to help a young family from church to help do some cleaning and painting. They are buying their first home and it will be very nice once all the work is done. They seem very  Excited! 
When I came home,  made supper for some young ladies. I really wasn't prepared, I grilled chicken, roasted potatos , corn, toss salad and for dessert i made Chocolate Chip Cookies and we made ice-cream sandwiches. 
Now maybe i'll update alittle.
Sunday evening our church had a pumpkin carving contest. Barb and Melanie from church bought 15  pumpkins. We set 13 tables in our church basement and set black garbage bags for Table Clothes. The  Winner Jon and Melanie Lazarus , Alex got  a gift certificate. We had snacks, I made gravel pumpkin bars. You don't want to try it!
Before i left home i covered the bars and made sure it was well covered. Well I dropped the baking sheet on the ground. i could see gravel got in. Thinking maybe it was fine.
I took them anyway, Chewing gravel as a little kid is one thing, Surprise, Surprise!
Not too many people complained. Nothing like Good Fellowship though.
Gord Mills had an ouchy during our fellowship night and thought maybe i should get a  picture of him giving a finger, I believe he was looking for something in a basket. Well he found a pink thumb tack. LOL!
Monday evening i had dinner with friends. Today was Busy.
I'll most likely go into the Pregnancy Care tomorrow.
I painted those pine cones you see on the top of the page.
I love putting centre pieces together. 
All have a good week, MJ

Monday, October 20, 2008

"Always give thanks for everything to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Friday, October 17, 2008

I am so confused! I'm sorry, I thought i had lost this one pine cone blog and somehow it found it's way. Enjoy" Twice" I suppose.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

pine cone

I was bored this afternoon so i thought i should do a little craft. These pine-cone have glitter on them. Does three look too much? What do you think? MJ
I was bored this afternoon, So i tried a pine-craft. Should i do one pine-cone? They have glitter on them and makes it look pretty. What you think, Jenni?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We just got through Indian summer and it was Beautiful! For Thanksgiving, Clarence and Karen Meekis and children were here. They shared their music and it was a  message of praising God during storms. Sunday evening we had a huge meal at the "Murrays" Bev's family. Thats where i took this picture of Happy Kyra. Isn't she Beautiful! She has brought so much joy to her parents Jordanna  and Nick Dube. We played Blokus, mennonite maddness and other games. Bev somehow got on the table ripping my paper in half. I guess i should've let the pen go. EH!
Clarence and Karyn left monday morning back to T-Bay. It was great having them here. Monday evening I went to the Swartzentruber's for Thanksgiving Dinner. Played more Blokus and later into the evening we sat around the fire, roasting marshmallows.
Yesterday i baked oatmeal bread and it raised well in the bowl" twice" but, not as nice in the bread pans. I wonder what i'm doing wrong. Any suggestions, Anyone! Some Thanksgiving moments in my familyover the weekend,
My nephew Keifer got his first moose. I'm excited for him!
My niece Terri delivered her second baby yesterday. A baby boy at 8lbs and 1oz. 
I've had Emily James on my mind. Agnaba James passed away over the weekend and sounds like the funeral is taking place today. When i was on my holidays i went to go see them. I'm so glad i did! The James and my parents were good friends.
Wish i could be there today. 
I just off the phone and should get myself ready for the day. Hope all had a Wonderful ThanksGiving! MJ

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sigh! I think bloging has been a challenge for me. I think it's a wonderful way of sharing your life. But technolgy is sometimes over my head,
These ladies were out to lunch celebrating Karen Jolly's 50th(JK)
Over my holidays in Sept, I stopped in Niverville to visit friends. "We" Greta, Karen, Brenda all went to some nice Italian Restaurant,  Later we got a movie and some shopping afterwards . It was so much fun!  I ordered a shrimp with pasta. Just in case you were wondering.

I posted another picture and somehow these ones got bumped.
My great niece Keira is two and find she is so adorable. 
Terri my niece waited two hours for me at Red Lake Rd. Bless Her Heart!
Train was  late, Nothing new though, 
I did get to see some family while i was home.
The Other Beauty is Dedee Flietstra. She is a good friend of mine here in Sudbury. She may not appreciate me calling her "beauty".
But i have really come to appreciate her.
She and her husband pastor a church here in Sudbury.
I would like to post some pictures of my apartment sometime, and also pictures of Sudbury First nations Church Body Life. I guess that's all for now. later, MJ

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Breakfast with Rachel at American Table

 Breakfast with Rachel at The American Table.

Hi ladies! This was so much fun to be with each one of you. I really had a good time!
Wonder who will bring us together again for this kind of occasion, Thanks Rachel for getting married,
Yesterday my brother Tony called from jail here in Sudbury. And it was sooo good to see him. We were behind glass and spoke through the phone. We had at least 15 min and that was not sufficient. He shared his Heart and His desire to do what is right, He also acknowledged his failures too. We both shared our loss of our parents. One thing that came out of our time together was, You don't realize what you have "until you lose it" It was tough leaving him there, We were only given 15 min and i was not aware of that before i went in, So I left in tears. This Thanksgiving i will be grateful for that time with my brother. 
Pray for Tony this thanksgiving as he gets out thursday in Thunder Bay. He is too go to some treatment centre, I mentioned Teen Challenge to him.
I am invited to have Thanksgiving with Bev and her family. I believe Clarence and Karyn Meekis will be here Sat night and will share with our congregation this sunday. It will be fun to hear TiTi again. Their children call me that for aunty. 
I Hope you all have a Wonderful ThanksGiving! God Bless, MJ

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just thought i'd try loading a picture to my blog. And it works!
This is my friend Bev Mills. 
She and her husband Gord just became grandparents this summer and a very thrilled.
Looking at this picture makes me kind of sad. It was a beautiful summer evening. Now fall is here and Thanksgiving Just around the corner "Challenges" me to be "Thankful" for what is ahead. 
Summer is ahead too, eh!
Gotta Go, MJ