We are having cold, cold weather. Today, i stood outside, waiting for the city bus for a good 5 minutes. I went and met a friend for lunch at the mall. Felt bad cause i was late!
Monday Night, Was Sister's Supper night.
The group picture from left to right is Bev, Alice, MJ, Barb is sitting. Their usually are a few more ladies that come for this.
After my mother past away Bev invited me to their family events. This is a way for Alice to see her daughters, daughter-in-laws and grand daughters. I enjoy it!
Then Tuesday was a luncheon, Virginia made moose stew, Hilda made bannock and i made Apple pie. All was so good!
Wednesday, I had supper with Jack and Dedee Flietstra.
Their was another supper somewhere else Thursday. I'll try not to bore you anymore with such details. LOL
Now it's Friday and I ate at home tonight!
Sounds like i ate all week, Mostly it was Good Food, Good Friends, Good Fellowship!
One Most Exciting that happened this week too was. Our church Women are wanting to go to Women of Faith Conference in Rochester, NY. June 5 and 6 are the dates.
Yeah, How Awsome is that!
I hope to have at least 10 women go to this event.
I don't know what else to say! Maybe i'll have more later! MJ
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