I am very grateful for friends who made this week very special.
Monday night the yah, yah club (my sister club) had a little party for me. Sarah made a chocolate banana cake and it was very good! Bev gave me a watch along with the jewelry set. Wednesday Jack and Dedee had alittle celebration at their house. They got a Dairy Queen ice cream cake and supper. They gave Corner Gas dvd.
My sister sent shoonniyaa!
One thing i always wanted to do was some step dancing , line dancing and so my "yah yah club" Sisters were gonna plan that for my birthday party for tonight"fri nite" But Debby the lady that was gonna come teach us had unexpected plans to go out of town. We plan to do it another night. I really appreciate friends who cared enough to make sure i was out celebrating my birthday! last week was Dedee's Birthday, so her and I went out to eat for out Birthdays and then her family had a celebration for her also. It was a fun week!
Okay now being 41 seems unreal sometimes, How am i supposed to act? When i turned 40 I thought that was a "Huge responsibility"! I better stop!
Kyra is now almost 6 months and she has been such a blessing! I love watching her, Her mother Jordana wasn't feeling well this week so i went and spend sometime there. The flu is going around. My cold is finally gone-most of it anyway. I still cough abit, Over all i am feeling much better. Well i'm done now, Sorry for all the mis-prints. Any questions or concerns feel free to call me at.....Take Care MJ
happy birthday, again, mj. so glad you had a good day and so relieved someone made you a cake. ;-)
love you!
hey, can you send me your mailing address? I tried sending you an email but it came back. Thanks.
Oh, nice gifts! That baby is adorable! And thanks for acknowledging me. We do rock.
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