I really have no clue how the lay-out of these pictures will turn-out.
Yesterday, i had a rough day! My friend Dedee and i went to do some shopping at Staples and i fell going in and scraped my knee. (It brought back memories of another time of a similiar experience i had couple years ago.)
When we were done shopping, i went over to Dedee's for supper. See the arm rug burn picture. Well i had a tumble. it was painful. I also hurt my other elbow. Dedee was there during both falls. The other Willow Angel pictures are what i got for christmas and wanted Jenni to see them. Jenni, Do they look familiar now?
Today i went to the optomitrist and got a prescription for a new pair of glasses. Found some i liked and made an order. I'm glad thats done. Now i need to go to the Dentist. i was having toothaches around Christmas time. That was not fun! So far i've been in good health. Thank the good Lord for that. This afternoon i was out shopping and spent some gift certificates i got for christmas. That was so much fun!
Went out for coffee with couple friends. Has supper, Then it was biblestudy night. that where i took these pictures of Kyra. If i put you to sleep reading this blog, thats okay! I'm ready for bed myself. IT's been a LOOONG DAY! Sigh.... bed time.
Mary-jane dear!! You really need to be more careful - looks painful. I hope you aren't too sore tomorrow. :( The little girl's adorable!
I just bought the entire willow tree nativity scene with Christmas money. It was on sale 40% off. I say entire...I didn't buy the creche or the angel. It was out of stock. Maybe some day.
Your ouchies look...ouchy. Kind of like me when I fall off my bike. =)I hope you don't feel too stiff and sore today.
Have a good day. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Ha!
Oh Mary Jane,I'm so sorry you fell two times,one was bad enough maybe you can take a day off and just let your ouchies heal, De de must be feeling better eh?
Kyra's eyes are incredible! Don't spoil her too much or she won't be so cute any more, eh?:) Hopefully you will heal in a hurry. Especially in time to celebrate your upcoming b.day...right?
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