Coffee And....

Coffee And....

Friday, February 4, 2011

This past week was rather one very trying time. 
Saying..Lord..I commit my family to you. Then laying in bed all night worrying if my loved ones would be alright. 
I sure am joyfully happy and relieved God Protected them.
My niece's 9 and 15 years old  called the night before then "I love you" was mentioned...That really made me wonder if i will ever see them again.
It wore my body out, Mentally was also the worst.
I can say...being far from family was very hard. 
Australia is soo far away and alot of flooding and storms are hitting the very places my nieces are.
I am thankful they are fine..But it sure shook my family.

Now i can see how life can be when a person continues to worry. 
Being able to think of life around one very tough.
God several times has reminded us in scripture.not too worry!
Why is wanting control so hard to let go?
I cried and even played the blame game too.
Yet, i knew that wasn't the answer.
Pointing fingers was easy to do. But a matter of releasing..I confess was tough.
I love my family! I wish i could be the strong one and admit i have it all together.
I just need your prayers.

Thanks and am gonna enjoy a good night of rest. MJ


rachelslab said...

Wow, I'm behind on your blog! Good words and good to get caught up with you a bit.

Bethany said...

That must've been hard, MJ! I'm glad they're okay.