China Cabinet But no China...How sad is that? Actually i really like the cabinet and so thankful for friends who gave it. I actually always wanted china set. Maybe it still will happen...well see. Slow going today...I made meatballs and was hoping to have people over, but that might not work out for tonight. Maybe tomorrow night!
as josiah would say, "su-weet!" maybe you can find a set of pretty china at value village?
I like the cabnet! I've been trying to plan one out in my mind and on paper. Arthur is going to make me one for the kitchen some glad day. (Could be awhile). Have a good day, MJ! I need to put a link to your blog on mine....I forget to come read here since I don't have an easy link! =( I'll do that later this week or weekend.
Nice cabinet!
Thanks for changing the subject. ; ) It looks like you're doing a fine job of filling that cabinet, real china or not!
What Bethany said.
and nice to see pics of your place! It always looks so homey.
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