Tuesday-Thursday, Living Hope is having meeting's at Dorian.
Sure is a long way to couple for a day and a half. Oh well, once we get there it will be fine.
I'll try to keep a positive attitude!
The other day: Hilda and i did a mog pog craft on clear glass plates.
This moose picture i took was a wall hanging that belonged to the Cheechoo's. A moose painting on an actual moose fur. It is Gorgeous!
It's been fun doing crafts with Hilda.
Our Next craft probably will be a little tee pee with a battery operated tea lite inside the tp. I'm really excited about that one!
Yesterday, Darlene Mann and I were supposed to go out for Lunch..But she called and said work was busy and could not get away, We decided to try Monday.
It will be nice to see her.
Tonight the young adults are going on a hay ride and it's cold. I wish i had my sorels and ski pants. I had all that stuff at my moms and when we were going through all her stuff..No where to be found!
Oh well, I'll take a blanket and it will be fun.
Kendra is coming to visit next week, she'll be here for at least 4 or 5 days so I'll have to think of some things to do with her while she's here.
The first Tuesday of March is Women's Ministries and I need some fresh good ideas to plan.
We get back from Dorian late Thursday night and then i have till Sunday to come-up with something. "Sunday", I'll have to present what were doing for women's night.
Kendra will be here...
Bev and I work together in this Ministry. Well i need to go do some productive work now,
I typed a verse that meant something to me yesterday and thought I'd share it with you all! The Lord your God is with you. He is Mighty to save, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love. He will Rejoice over you with singing.Zep 3:17