The other picture is mostly so you can see the banner i made for the church. I had help cutting out the letters.
We had also made valences for the church windows. We used hide skin and in a "V" placed red,yellow, black and, white beads on the bottom of each strand. With eagle and goose feather's on each side. You can see the sample there on the pulpit.
Sunday night we had a sing-long-night. Clara and Allan Cooper shared a cree song with us.
Behind them is Thomas Moore a College student. We were delighted to hear a number from him. He sang "Pass me Not" and it blessed all who were there.
This weekend some of us from church are going to Toronto. For a "Heavens Rehearsal" Sounds Thrilling and from what i hear its all about Worship.
It will be fun to connect with each other this weekend.
We are supposed to get flurries this week. It's been getting colder and alittle more colder. Someone mentioned nine more weeks until christmas. I'm not even gonna check it out,
I won't be going to Red Lake this year. For christmas i'll just bother friends here. thoughtful of me , Eh!
I just got a call, asking if i can go into the Pregnancy Care this afternoon. Our Director isn't feeling well. Last Night on the news they were showing it's time for flu shots. Last year i had strep throat. Maybe one a cold also.
That time of year.
I suppose thats it for now. MJ
Aww...I like your house. : ) Have fun this weekend! Stuart & Delores were telling me abt. it (Heaven's Rehearsal) when they were here a couple weeks ago.
Your weekend sounds fun, enjoy. Thanks for letting me lay my head on your pillow almost a year ago,that was a fun time.
very nice banner and pulpit thingy. (I want to see the valances too.) i'm so demanding. :-)
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