My Poor Husband didn't come home yet.
He wants to come home badly, He'll be happy that i waited for him.
Aww...Gonna make him his favorite dinner:)
Poor Mans Steak & Blueberry Delight.
This week was soo nice.
Today, I had the urge to wear a skirt.
With flip flops..But it wasn't that warm..Although i did see someone with flip flops today:)
Someone said were supposed to get a bunch of rain:( Least the snow will melt more:)
Kyras mommy asked if i wanted to go to Value Village..Usually id watch Kyra soo her mommy can do some shopping. We spent most of the time going through toys.
I stopped in at the Pregnancy Care today..But, Only to drop something off.
Lori and i use to work together there on Wednesday's , but she switched her days and so i don't see much of her anymore.
She then invited me over to her house this afternoon for some coffee..Enjoyed the visit:)
Im thinking of baking some raspberry velvet cake. That's what i had for my birthday! Soo Yummy:)
God is teaching me some stuff..He does it all too well.
I can't imagine living life without the Wisdom of Our Creator.
Many times, i try to think i know whats best, Then its those times i find that i limit him.
Just, shows how much i am in need of him.
Well, I just wanted to share abit of my day..
I miss my friends!
I need you in my life.
I also know..you need me..MJ