Coffee And....

Coffee And....

Monday, January 31, 2011

This past weekend was good. What i liked was the Raspberry Velvet Cake the Best!

I have to admit store bought things aren't soo bad at after all: )

Friday was phone call day. As i picked up the phone...My niece says Happy Birthday Auntie....i wasn't sure what to say except happy birthday back..we laughed: )

Good Friends that are like family to me are Gord & Bev (Kyras grand parents )Jordana and Ryan...Kyra's mommy and uncle is where i had my birthday supper, She makes the best spaghetti ever.
And She knows i love her spaghetti..soo that's what she made.
She also had chocolate cake with icing toffee bits/pecans and Carmel sauce on it..Rich!!
Bev gave me this nice wooden salad bowl. My first words were YUM!! I don't know why i responded  that way..but maybe because it looked just NICE!

And a friend gave me a nice selection of picture
I suppose i can still work at painting and finishing the frames i got started.
She also gave a nice cosmetic bag etc.
Another friend gave money to buy a shovel..Cause i don't have one. when the Raspberry Velvet Cake made is appearance along with some friends.
It was soo good! Way a Great way to start a new week,

And yes i am 20+20-10+13-4-2+5-1+7+10+12+1-8+7-20-10+8-5=

: )

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yesterday, I watched a sick little girl. She was grouchy when she first arrived.
Kyra asked for lollipops and gum.
She took a few licks of the lollipops,  Opened gum  holding it for awhile then decided i should have it. So..I knew, She wasn't herself: (
I felt soo sad she was sick..Gave her some Tylenol and that seemed to perk her up.
Then again it hit her again and fell asleep.
Phone rang..she moved around awhile and got whinny. Reason  was babycakes was having a fever. Aww i felt soo bad for her, holding her & Praying that God Would touch her little body.
Aww..I just love her!

She is coming again tomorrow and i just hope she is better. If not..I have a ton of Love for Her!!

Last night, Was a Ladies Winter tea..It was all decked out. 
Like every year very nice music, testimony message Just soo Nice!!
Did i say it was nice?
All this at Glad Tidings Tabernacle, the center pieces were bird feeders. Which i got to bring home..My very first bird feeder. I hope i wont have to clean poop: (

My Friend Tracey Hosted our table with coffee tea and all sorts of scones. I ate three, because i had no supper: ( I wore a pretty purple sweater with 3 crochet roses on it and a black skirt and knee highs I bought those at Walmart. LOL,
The table had 9 place settings. I have no idea how many tables their were, But their were many many tables.Tracey was in charge of bringing her china and setting her table.
I got to set beside Tracey and Gladys, an African widow.
She had abit of an accent, But i think she would be soo much fun to get too know.
She was soo happy she met me: ) eeeeeee

So i came home very tired, yet Encouraged!!

Then i went to bed. 

My phone rang a few times and chatted with all my girl friends and my sister nieces and nephews, 
My one nieces says "Happy Birthday Aunty"..Me "Happy Birthday"! Then pause then we 
laugh: )
Fb had lots of Birthday Wishes, That was fun: )

Then my cousin sent me cash so i can eat out tonight..and when i got to the restaurant it was closed: ( So i went to the mall for Chinese : )

So this was my birthday!!
Tomorrow i go celebrate with my Sudbury family. Looking forward to that..Wonder what i should wear..jk

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

As you can see the picture frames got painted brown. Some i did with rough edging look on a few frames. Then painted a jar brown and added some of those stem thingys in em.
I had this sparkly brown fabric and used that for a Matt. I like it!
I just need to arrange a few on the wall around my gold frame mirror above my couch.
The swirls photo  is the design on my couch.
This has been fun.
But Painting everything brown...I work on some dark brown also.
 Jenni..I wanna do a scripture verse on the long frame yet.

So their you go gets you going.Or at least it did me : )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I have been looking for new ways to re-use my old picture frames. Sanding, Painting and now i just don't know what all i should use to decorate them with..need some creativity.

I've had some issues with blood...Nose bleeding..thinking its got to be cause its soo dry. I should vaporise some water or something.

Since its been so cold the last couple days..Ive been staying in the house. Today i should go to Walmart and pay 5o cents for the juice i stoled there last week. Accident of course..My friend Ruth says i Finally succeeded in it. Its a long story!

My back is sore: (

My hair is growing..yay!! Told Dedee she is cutting it next time!

Going to Ladies Winter Tea with my friend Tracey on Thursday.
Then Friday..i wanna go to a steak house..just for the fun of it : )
Well see!!

So blessed to cold or flu hit yet. I said Yet!!

My Cold Sore is making its disappearance; )

I'm bored and should get myself too the mall and  to walmart and see who i can find any one for coffee. 

This is Tuesday.Soo randoms

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

  1. A Hot Chocolate Drink i made. I was out this evening and since it was soo cold. I knew hot Chocolate was Priority. Then i had all this other stuff on hand and WHAAALAAA! It WAs Fabulous!!
  2. Couch and Chair i found on Kijiji. Thought i'd post a picture of them. I knew some of yous wanted to see the couch set.
  3. My Plants are living and that amazes me. Except the tips always seem rough looking. Any Tips..anyone?

Last Night i was up till maybe 2:00. Why that Tea!!
Anyway, I decided i should just try to ignore stupid fb for awhile.
Also my stupid computer won't let me e-mail.
I feel rather grouchy and wanna wake up on the right side of things : (
I can only send messages through fb..what am i talking about??
We have MORE Snow and i am starting to sense the walls closing in on me.
Staying Indoors is nice...but this has been way too long.

Thursday is Women's Ministries and I still have no idea as too what we are doing.
Its January and Its TUESDAY!!
Cold Sores..Is that all part of stress?

I finished sewing alittle dress for kyra with match bloomers.
I can't wait to try them on her.
Its a PLAIN Jane style. It looks Mennonite and i think it's Cute.

Kyra, Did try on the dress then. But now. Its FINISHED!!

I took pictures of the couch set i got on KIjijiji
I almost wanna paint a shelf i have in the living room too Dark brown.
Maybe make some dark pillows to match the couch.
I also painted some picture frames dark brown.
Sometime i will need to stop painting everything dark brown. LOL

If for some reason anyone could help me about Thursday..please do.

I thought of have a Hawaii night. But its supposed to be simple.
Simple is good. MJ

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Laughter is a Good Medicine: ) 

My Little side Kick Kyra and bestest little friend ever!

Kyra 2 1/2 year old...Is Holding febreeze.
What would you do? Right!! 
I took it from her. Well lets just say..she was deeply offended and grabbed her hat.
She was ready to head out the door and leave. LOL

Asked her..Wanna go for a Bus ride...She says...I do..aww cute: )

Knows where to find gum..she goes through a pack a day.
Doesn't that sound like cigarette's.
Her mom decided its time she gets her own packs of gum.
Between her grandparents, mom and me, she has gum. She's got good connections : )

Taking her to the mall and rushing to get to the rest room..I put her down and she makes a BIG sigh. I think i stressed the little missy out. 

She loves Nail Polish and also loves her veggie tails.
Climbing up and getting under the covers for a little rest on her own. Tells me she is comfortable here in auntie Mj's home.

And Salad...We eat Salad. 

I especially love hearing  laugh.

Then, when walking through Big trees with yellow leaves this past fall...she was in awe.
Then pointing  to the heavens at the stars.
What a Gift...she is!!

Oh..she lets me know she loves me. Sweet!!

I wanted to brag about this little one. Its alright to do that once in a while eh! She has brought life, love and laughter: )