Coffee And....
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I really wish i had something to post.
This morning Jack and Dedee were both gone. I could not believe i slept in till after 11 this morning.
Thursday, my stomach felt like their was a knot, then my back felt some pain from that.
I must have been up four time's during that night. It was painful!
So yesterday, it still felt sensitive, add to that i was having some headaches too. Maybe i got a bug somewhere.
Today i feel abit better.
This Past Tuesday evening for Women's Ministries. 10 ladies showed up, which is not a bad number.
We had an ice breaker where you rack points up for yourself by questions like If you kissed your husband that day or how many red buttons you have on. then you subtract points if you didn't kiss your husband. It was funny. Barb asked us ladies if we had a black bra on add 8 points and then asked if you had a white bra, add 10 points.
We had Prayer time and read a few verses about how God gives us peace when we ask for what we want. And of course God knows best to what we need!
We then met about what we'd like to see happen this year. All good!
Barb Lazarus has step into be a part of women's ministries. I'm very excited to be working with her.
She had me make bannock and called them hockey pucks. Not that they were hard, Probably because of the shape and "really"they turned out pretty good.
The ladies all took some home afterwards.
That was our evening!
About the apartment, I talked to Don the landlord yesterday. Plans are still a go!!!! Keep praying the things will run smoothly.
Maybe while we are on the subject of praying about the apartment, maybe add to that request:
That Don will be a good Landlord, Doesn't sound like he's a christian.
I've heard him swear and i hope we get along well.
Anyway, yeah Please keep praying!
I think this is all i have for now, All have a wonderful weekend! MJ
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Phone call from Austrailia this morning.

A picture of nephew Clayton and niece Phoebe.
Picture of Phoebe as she leaves for Australia. to visit her mom and little sister Tahnie.
She's been gone for about a year and a half.
I just wanted to post this picture of Phoebe because she desires to walk the path that God has set before her.
Mainly that you would all pray for her.
She e-mails and has called couple times about life questions.
I have found she is seeking for answers as she see's the world changing.
I believe she knows the enemy is at work and is looking to God for protection.
Also, thought i'd ask God's People to pray for her.
She misses Canada, family and friends.
I encouraged her to find a church that would build her-up.
This is what God has laid on my heart this morning and thought i'd share this with you all. MJ
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tomorrow will be a week since i moved out of my apartment.
I'm not sure how Jack and Dedee feel about having me here, Or even their children for that matter.
I just keep telling myself it's only for a month. And they we will survive!!!!!!
They live out in the country, Which is a nice feeling to be surrounded by trees,rocks and a swamp.
The City buses run almost every 2 hours.
Jack or Dedee run into town quite regularly and so getting a ride in works out well.
The usual morning runs something like this:
I'll wait to get up once i know the boys are gone to school.
Two boys ages 12 and 14.
Jack is off to work.
Then it is coffee time..Yay! Dedee or myself make coffee.
Make a small breakfast.
shower and get dressed.
Come to my computer check e-mail.
Then do whatever needs to be done.
Saturday we were both stuck at home. Their truck broke down at the garbage dump. Their son had the other car and they could not get a hold of him.
Dedee was not able to clean church and i was gonna bake a cake at Bev's for church pot-luck. I made Italian vegetable soup for pot-luck.
I am not as free to bake here as much. Dd has gluten allergy called ceilac .
I'd hate to have her sick for 3 weeks. All because of flour flying around.
Today, they are doing shingles. Some guys from their church are coming to give them a hand.
I'm not sure where i would become useful in that area, I'd probably roll off the roof. LOL!!!!!
Maybe, I'll just do some housework and clean my room.
I hope to post pictures after i clean my room.
I don't have much to say, except I'm grateful god is look in out for me.
Sometimes, i long for my family. But, God is so powerful, Wherever we are...God Set's the lonely in families.
Anyway, i just thought I'd share abit.
Anyway, all have a good day!
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