The weather was great!
We spent that night at the Funks in T-Bay the first night. It would have been fun to have had a game of Blokus with ken as he is Hilarious to watch.
We took the next day "Monday" and stopped in Wabauskang to visit my brother and his daughters and one son, also their children. I wished i would have gotten pictures.
We were then off to Red Lake.
Dedee and I stayed with Merle and Rita Nisly.
We were so spoiled with their good coffee while our stay.
We just had to buy some before we left.
Dedee mentioned Merles spoiled Tim Horton's coffee for her.
Tuesday morning a Dozen ladies showed up for Brunch.
Thanks Rita! That was so special and good way to make us feel welcome.
I really enjoyed all the visits, Still didn't get to everyone.
Although I'm thankful i got to see Mary-Jane Hochstetler and Emily James.
I showed DD the house i grew up in and where my dad worked for 19 years. Which was in Balmertown. Took her to the Friendship Centre, Treasure House and Living Hope Office.
One evening we were at Jeff and Wendy Yutzy's for supper.
Wednesday evening we were off to Stormer Lake. We were supposed to go fishing..But the weather wasn't that great. It was good to catch up with the Millers there. Archie and Iris were there also. Olivia is something else!
We got back to Red lake Thursday evening. Did more visiting and even ran into Hendrix. He was so happy to see me! Calls me his wife. LOL
I shared a short video of "Body life here at Sudbury First Nations Church" Presentation at Red lake Mennonite.
It meant soo much to me to have RLMC bless me and affirm me once again.
Mike Yutzy took us on a boat ride Sunday afternoon and later for the evening we had a hot-dog roast at Lamars.
We also took sometime to be with couple girls who were at the Nislys.
During our travel we bought 5 bags of york chocolates.
Sunflower seeds kept Dedee alert.
We both had sore backs so thats where the Ibuprofen and back muscle pain killers.
It was a good trip!
I'm still trying to get myself into the life here in Sudbury.
Takes time.
I had mixed feeling about coming back, But knowing this is where god has me. I am Blessed!
And was a Great Blessing to have Dedee on this trip..It was soo much fun!
Actually she took me along!